Today is the day to venture into the digital world...
I made the move from a point & shoot to a DSLR over a month ago, so exciting, but now I want to do so much more with my photos. Hence the reason I have declared this the day I venture into new territory. It is definitely a place I have been meaning to explore but I keep putting it off as I thought I was unable to do anything because I don't own any "fancy" software. However, after listening to the Paperclipping Roundtable podcasts on iTunes I realized that playing with my photos to shrink 6 into a 4 x 6 is considered "hanky panky" in the digital world I decided I could take baby steps and get started now. Woo Hoo!
Side Note: If you've never had a chance to listen to the Paperclipping Roundtable I highly recommend it as they cover different scrapbooking related topics each week. I like that they are broad general themes & they usually have a guest on who relates to the topic of the week. I jump onto iTunes and listen to the episodes on my iPhone (at home, hooked up in the car, etc). All of the Roundtable discussions are FREE so check it out! -> link
I'll leave you with a favourite photo taken with my new camera.
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